Since 2007, Jean-Paul De Roover has been pursuing a solo career. Jean-Paul is very unique in the way that he toys with musical form. His live shows are simply amazing; in the shows he builds the music from dead silence, then adds the layers of vocal harmonies, ambient rock, rhythmic tribal beats, folk, and tons of others. "Windows and Doors", Jean-Paul De Roover's first full-length album, is out now. The album also comes with a DVD that has nine live performance videos, two music videos, two concerts, a "Making of" featurette, and crazy packaging that folds out to be a three-dimensional house. Jean-Paul De Roover is amazing, and I am really hoping that he starts getting more recognition for the wonderful music he creates.
Jean-Paul De Roover's website: http://www.jeanpaulderoover.com/home/
Music Video for "The Fix":www.jeanpaulderoover.com/fix
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